IMPORTANT NOTE: The presence of decals, metal tags, etc.with a dealer logo (e.g 'Wurlitzer', 'Hudson's', 'Lyon and Healy', etc) are simply advertising applied by the selling dealer, and do NOT signify that the Victor product was made by these sellers.

Some Victrolas that were producedfrom late 1917 through 1918 will have an 'A' suffix after the model number, whichindicated some improvements were made to the motor (along with a priceincrease). This suffix was discontinued after 1918. The picture below shows atypical 'Type A' plate: in this case a VV-XI-A. The 'A' can be seen as a smallletter after the 'VV-XI' model designation. The presence of thisA-suffix makes dating a machine a simple task. In some instances other letters were used to indicate export to foreign markets. The 'A' suffix neither adds nor detracts from value or rarity, as it simply indicates a small design change.

Many Victrolas have a suffixletter after the serial number. In many instances, this letter is located far to the right of the serial number, and can be difficult to see. This letter indicates the 'Model Type', and can be useful in dating a machine.Each Type' indicates a small iterative design change to the model. Although the serial numbers are small and hard to read on this photograph, the 'A'suffix (indicated by the arrow) is visible to the far right of the serial number (12698). This indicates Type 'A' of this particular model, and should be considered a part of the serial number for reference and valuation purposes. This plate is from a VV-XVI, and uses the earlysmall stamped numbers, which are very hard toread. In many instances, the plate will have to be cleaned in order to read theserial number information.

In some instances, a letter prefix may be found before the serial number (see Canadian machine tag below).

Victrolas that had electricallypowered motors in place of the wind-up spring used a 'VE' prefix, anda slightly larger dataplate. These were called 'Electrolas' on thedataplate, but still retained the Victrola decal under the lid. Orthophonic Victrolas with electric motors usedeither an 'X' suffix when the AC-only motor was used, or the 'VE'prefix when the older-style AC/DC motor was installed.

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Victor products that were intended for sale in the Canadian market will have an additional 'Berliner Gram-0-Phone' tag underneath the ID tag. Some of these phonographs were produced at the main Victor Camden NJ plant, while others were made in Canada. Note that some Canadian machines have a 'C' prefix prior to the serial number. Machines with an 'E' prefix usually signify that they were intended for export to foreign markets. Note that many of these Canadian and export machines have serial numbers well below the standard '501' starting point of Victrola serialization. Please note that the original production logs for machines with a 'C' or 'E' prefix have not been located, and we currently have no production, dating or rarity information on any export or Canadian phonographs, or on any other models intended solely for sale outside the USA. The detailed dating and rarity information contained on this site is for US production models only. Some Canadian and export models are covered for informational purposes only.

As stated above, most Victrola (internal horn) serialization started at 501 for each model, and ran sequentially through the production run. The example on the right is from the very first VE-360 sold to the public. Blocks of serial numbers were sometimes skipped when design revisions were made to a particular model. External-horn Victors introduced prior to 1909 started at much lower numbers; surviving examples of external horn phonographs have been found with serial numbers of less than 100. In addtion, serial numbers from early production Victors were 'reset' around 1909, and thus it is possible to find two different vintage machines of the same model with identical serial numbers. Consequently, accurately dating these early machines is a very difficult task.

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Fmrte 19 amped. Another piece of importantinformation in identifying a Victrola is the license sticker. Every Victrolaleft the factory with a license sticker attached, and this can provide furtherinformation about the date of manufacture, particularly on early machines.Locating the sticker can be tricky; sometimes they are placed under the machine,sometimes on the back, sometimes inside the record storage area (on the insidecabinet). In the late 1920's, the stickers were placed underneath the larger machines. A date will appear on the bottom left corner of thesticker as shown in the photograph below. There are often other dates elsewhereon the sticker, but these have to do with the dates of patents, not with thebuilding of the phonograph.

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In this case, the date isFebruary 1, 1908. Unfortunately, the sticker is often damaged or missing completely, since it is made only of thin paper and did not last longif the Victrola was stored outside or in humid conditions.

The 'sticker date' is usually accurate within approximately 1 year for older Victrolas (1906-1914), but becomes less reliable in subsequent years of production. If a sticker reads 'February 1, 1908' the odds are quite good that the machine was made in 1908 or 1909. During the mid-teens, Victrola dealers often replaced thestickers of phonographs in stock with updated versions, due to patent or licensechanges. In addition, Victor ceased regularly updating stickers on many models after 1918, and thus it is not uncommon to find a 1922 Victrola with a 1918 stickerattached.Dating via the serial number is a far more accurate method.